Happy Love Month: Celebrating You

Happy Love Month: Celebrating You

Happy Love Month: Celebrating You

Welcome to the month of LOVE. February 14th is a  designated day of love.  During the 20th & 21st century February 14th expanded to a commercial holiday where gifts such as flowers, jewelry, dinner dates, and chocolates symbolized love.

Today, Valentine's is celebrated worldwide. Some focus on romantic love, while others focus on friendship.  But

what about those whose romantic life is rocky and friendships are limited??

Are you a  Valentine's Grinch? Do you isolate on valentine's? Do you dread February 14th? If you answered yes, Don't.

I suggest you lean into SELF.

I have learned that self-love is the best kind of love and is actually the foundation of love. Self-love is an act of unconditional acceptance of all parts of self. That includes the good, bad, ugly, and indifferent. It's the acceptance of your light, shadows, strengths, and struggles without judgement.

This month I challenge you to embrace every part of who you are. If you don't know who you are, then I encourage you to be open and explore that. Have fun with it. Be adventurous exploring the core of self. Celebrate loving self this month!

Allow yourself to spend time in nature, journal, watch your favorite movie, and breathe. You are worthy.

Another way to lean into SELF love is the practice of affirmations. Here's one to use: I embrace every part of who I am.

Enjoy the journey

P.s. Be your own kind of beautiful


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